Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Who am I?

    3. Reason to write a book

    4. What do we cover in the course

    1. Introduction

    2. The three questions of Authenticity: Who are you, Why are you, Why now?

    3. Myths about writing.

    4. Time Management

    1. Introduction

    2. The Arc of The Hero

    3. Star Wars

    4. Moses

    5. Walt Disney

    6. Common Tweet

    7. Romance Novel

    1. Can I really Write a book in 30 days

    2. Why?

    3. Is AI My competitor?

    4. How I learned about storytelling the hard way.

    5. 12 Best "First Lines" of books one should study.

    6. How to write an introduction / The 6 Us

    7. The Warren Buffet 5/25 rule and how it applies to writers.

    8. Warren Buffet 525, can you master all of the 25 items.

    9. The F-K scores

    10. How to use the FK score system

    11. 9 Ways to Overcome writer blocks

    12. My best writing tips

    13. Self Publishing vs Traditional Publishing

    14. How to Publish your book

    15. How to find roles on Fiverr

    16. How to Publish on Amazon/KDP

    17. How to Market your book

    1. Introduction

    2. The 101 Technique

    3. The Habits Concept

    4. Jesus Diet

    5. How to steal from Academics Technique

    6. How to use Academic Research Papers

    7. Conclusion

    1. 25 downloadable interviews with great writers.

    2. Other Resources

About this course

  • 41 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content


James Altucher


I have written 25 books including WSJ and USA Today bestsellers such as "Choose Yourself" and "The Power of No". Several of my books, including "Reinvent Myself" and "The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth" have also been #1 in the entire Amazon store. I have written non-fiction, memoir, fiction, and even a comic book and a children's book. Additionally I have written thousands of articles that can be found all over the Internet. My podcast, "The James Altucher Show", has featured guests ranging from Richard Branson, to Tyra Banks, to Mark Cuban, and many bestselling authors such as Ken Follet (with over 150 million book sold), Judy Blume, Chuck Pahlaniuk, Tim O'Brien, and many many more. The podcast has had over 70,000,000 downloads since I started it in 2014. I've run several businesses. Some worked, some left me dead broke and miserable. I'm also a nationally-ranked chess master. But writing is my first love.

About this course

Writing a book, in addition to being an outlet for your creativity, is often the primary way to establish credibility in your industry. 

If two people are up for a speaking job, a consulting job, a podcast opportunity, or whatever, the one who has spent the time and effort writing a book will be chosen. 

There are many myths about writing that have kept people from the book that is inside them. And EVERYone has a book inside them. 

I made this course so people can write a book, and they can do it quickly - in just 30 days. 

Now, more than ever before in history, everyone must create their own opportunities. For me, writing books has opened doors into industries and opportunities I could not have imagined. 

I want everyone taking this course to experience what I have personally experienced. I have built community, businesses, and have had many adventures because of the directions writing has taken me. 

Additionally, it feels good to be creative. To write something you know others will benefit from. 

I have written 25 books (so far) over the past 21 years. And many of my friends and associates have asked for my help in writing their own books. So I began looking around to see if there were courses I could show them. 

I was getting frustrated that so many courses on writing were not written by published authors or bestselling authors. 

I have a theory of learning: plus, minus, equals:

PLUS: learn from the best teachers you can.
EQUALS: compare notes with others in the same position as you.

MINUS: teach what you learn. You don't really understand something unless you explain it simply to someone else.

My published books range from non-fiction to memoir to fiction, a children's book, and even a comic book. I have also written thousands of articles, many of which have had over 1,000,000 views.

Several of my books have been Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestsellers including my books, "Choose Yourself!" and "The Power of No". Additionally, my book, "Reinvent Yourself" was #1 in the entire Amazon store (in addition to being #1 in its various categories).

Many people who have asked me for writing help are excellent entrepreneurs, scientists, athletes, students, and are masters at what they do. But they have not mastered the art of writing.

Which is fine! 

They spent their lives being physicists or investors, or athletes, businessmen, etc. Of course they did not have time to learn the nuances of writing a book, the nuances of storytelling. It has been my greatest pleasure to have helped many people birth their dreams into a book.

And when you are done with a book there the sheer pleasure of holding an actual physical book in your hands and saying, "I did this!"

I want you have to that feeling.

In this course you will learn: 

- Why you can you write a book in 30 days. 

- The art of good storytelling 

- How to come up with great book ideas that can be completed quickly. 

- How to write with an authentic voice by asking three key questions about yourself. 

- How to analyze a book's readability quotient. 

- The keys to writing good first lines and cliffhangers, whether it is for a fiction book or a non-fiction book, or even a tweet. 

- Best practices for marketing your book. 

- How to avoid writer's block. 

- My best tips and tricks for writing effectively. 

- How to make writing go viral. 

- How to find an editor, a cover designer, an interior designer, an audiobook producer. 

- Step by step how to publish your paperback, hardcover, ebook, and audiobook. 

Additionally, I have added bonuses of incredible value: 25 interviews I've conducted with writers ranging from Judy Blume, Ken Follet, Steven Pressfield, and many other fiction and non-fiction writers. 

With this course, you WILL learn how to write and publish your book in just 30 days. 


Some messages I have received from people about either my books or my advice on writing their own books. 



Thank you for inspiring me to write my first book. How can I get you a copy to show my appreciation?"



 Our book made #1 Amazon Best Seller today! …. Thank you for your idea and book challenge! I am one step closer to helping 1 million myopic people like my children. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"



thank you for the book "choose yourself". It just quite literally saved my life



 -thank you for writing #book#ChooseYourself! I am getting so much #motivation and great #ideas on #writing & #self-publishing!



I turned James Altucher's idea and book challenge into a #1 new release book, Habits for Better Vision.. Thank you and feeling grateful from a choose-yourself mom!



Really needed the reminder to let my ideas flow, thank you for consistently being one of my favorite thinkers. My 30 Day Book Challenge book is due 7/15 and I've got 3 more ideas from listening to one of your podcasts!

What you'll learn

  • You will learn how to write a book in just 30 days from a best-selling author.

  • The step by step process of professionally publishing a book: from editor and book design to publishing hardcover, paperback, eBook and audio.

  • You will learn all the writing tips I have discovered in my 30 years of writing that have made my books and articles successful.

  • Master the art of the start. What are best practices for starting your book. How to analyze the best first lines to being a book or story.

  • You will learn my best techniques for coming up with good book ideas that can be completed in as quick as 30 days.

  • The Four Book Concepts that Will Give You INFINITE ideas for books you can write.

  • The art of story-telling. Understand the Arc of the Hero and how it is used in not only fiction, but non-fiction, article writing, and even a tweet.

Bonus material

  • Free Digital Books!

    Two best-selling books that were written by me: Choose Yourself and Reinvent Yourself!

  • Free Audio Interviews!

    25 downloadable interviews with writers including, Chuck Palahniuk, Steven Pressfield, Tim O'Brien, Hugh Howey, and more...

What others say about the course

“I am a big fan of James Altucher and have been for years. Glad to learn about this course on his podcast, am enjoying it so far!”

Donna M.

“So far this course is simple, direct, and actionable. I've watched a few sections and have paused to do the activity prompted, which provided a good opportunity to reflect and quickly apply what I've learned. I expect the next sections will also have clear and useful advice. Excited to learn about time management, which I expect to be one of the biggest challenges when writing my first book!”

Leah G.

“The introductory topics are precisely taught, with passion and energy!”

Anthony L.

“To the point & practical.”

Herman K.

“Very helpful. It's like a pep talk for people who want to write.”

Barbara P.

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